Thursday, October 30, 2008

Opera Sabun Caleg

Panggung hiburan bergoyang. Lenggak-lenggok penari menggoda minat untuk terpaku. Dalam gemerlap lampu dan cahaya blitz ratusan pasang mata, belum lagi ribuan pasang di balik layar ajaib, terlena oleh pesona yang ditebarkan.

Nuansa glamour senantiasa menyertai. Selalu menghibur abaikan suasana hati. Begitu fasih menata lagak hingga yang terkuak bukannya fakta. Kerlip berlian kendara mewah, langkah sempurna di permadani merah. Senyum terurai mengait hasrat hingga matapun terbius diam.

Begitu warna yang kasat teraba. Ribuan hati ingin memuja. Gaya bahasa yang jauh dari nestapa, memantun syair beriring nada. Tak lain, tak bukan, ialah kemewahan yang sempurna. Di mana tak setiap kita menikmatinya.

Panggung hiburan lagi tergoyang. Kini mengguncang batas cakrawala. Berbekal nama sejuta pena, sang penari merentang sayapnya. Berbekal pesona yang membius warga, ia beringsut lain wacana.

Menghibur berbalut fana demi menepis lara dahaga. Itulah bekal yang terbawa. Gemulai mengumbar senyum, berurai rambut berkibas. Di balik derita melanda tampak ceria. Membuai kita meski nyatanya tak musti sama.

Menghibur adalah menjelma. Bagai sang Kresna yang sedang triwikrama. Menghibur adalah menyulap dari batu menjadi permata.

Kini dikala panggung berbalut fakta, ada ragu kuat terasa. Akankah peran itu ia bawa serta. Karena itulah yang membuatnya dielu-elukan, digunjingkan, dan diperbincangkan. Ah, sudahlah, anak negeri tengah mencari. Sebuah arti dan sekian jawaban. Ketika kefanaan itu menjadi kekal. Anak negeri sedang berhitung hari. Ketika janji besar dipertaruhkan.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Every Me

Every point around the clocks
Noting all signs of every block
Years like have been of longing for

Paint on the walls telling the same
Rainfalls and sun in equeal game
Invincible makes me hopeless
Holding me tight so powerless

Another day plays an old song
There all the birds they used to sing
Inside and out wait for one piece

New day arrives like yesterday
I prompt the watch it seems like that
Notifying when time has done
Going somewhere when real things come

Still I’m to dare ever onward
Into the wild, the fire and the distance
Hoping so strong I dream so long

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

To Whosoever Soul-mate Will Be (anonymous)

From an awkward hello
that turns into a soulful conversation

we talked about our lives
arguing our thoughts
sharing our deepest fear

and then the hearts ask a simple question :
"what does this person mean to me?"
but our hearts never spoken it outloud
(that question) just remained as soliloquy

we're both convinced with this beautiful uncertainty
maybe we've been searching for each other all this time
we walked to follow our dreams
to pursue our Way of Life
our paths have never crossed
until such remarkable coincidence happened

I'm here not to fulfil the empty space in your heart
you're here not to complete my life
but we're to help each other to embrace this Life
that's why we are willing to make our Vow today
a Vow that will last

From SWW With Love...To Hening yang indah itu :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Miss Lizzie Saved the Day

Malam itu selepas Maghrib aku baru saja beristirahat. Karena kecapaian pada pagi hingga sore harinya aku ketiduran sebentar. Di luar udara sangat panas membuat tubuhku gerah. Di atas langit berarak mendung yang pekat. Istirahatku yang singkat terganggu oleh desingan bertubi-tubi di sekeliling telingaku. Oh, ternyata nyamuk-nyamuk menari kegirangan mendapat mangsa yang sedang terlena. Aku terusik dan bergeming. Aku terjaga dengan rasa kesal. Baru saja memulai perjalanan nirwana dengan harapan bertemu sang bidadari di alam maya. Tanganku menyambar ke sana-kemari. Bukan nyamuk yang kudapat melainkan rasa pedas dan agak sakit di pipi, dahi, telinga, dan lutut. Aku seperti orang gila karena memukuli badan sendiri.

Tiba-tiba suara nyamuk yang bandel tadi berhenti. Sunyi senyap dan aku merasa heran. Tak biasanya nyamuk cepat kenyang. Apalagi mangsanya berontak. Aku bangun meskipun keadaan sudah aman. Sudah biasanya bila aku terjaga maka saat itulah aku terjaga seterusnya hingga kantuk datang empat hingga enam jam kemudian.

Aku melihat sekeliling kamar, tembok, meja, kursi, almari, keranjang tempat pakaian, lampu neon, radio, komputer, keyboard, printer, telepon seluler, buku, rak piring, gelas dan langit kamar. Ketika giliranku menatap ke lantai aku terpana. Tersenyum dan setengah heran. "Oh, ternyata anda Nona Lizzie. Ternyata anda yang membuat desingan bunyi itu berhenti." Nona Lizzie yang mungil, berkulit kuning agak coklat, dengan sepasang mata yang berkilau terkena cahaya neon, diam tanpa gerak di dekat ujung jari kakiku. Nona Lizzie seperti ketakutan melihatku. Pada mulutnya yang mungil dan lucu ada sesuatu. Nona Lizzie yang imut itu seperti berdegup kencang jantungnya. Ia menahan napas ketika aku mendekat. Ia tak berani apa-apa bahkan terkesan pasrah. Nona Lizzie berserah segalanya untuk aku perlakukan semauku.

"Nona Lizzie, terima kasih ya? Suara nyamuk itu hilang. Sekarang aku tidak diganggunya lagi. Tapi aku telanjur bangun. Sudah sana kamu gantian yang tidur. Pasti kamu juga capek kan bekerja sedari tadi sore?" Aku berdialog dengannya secara hati-hati dan sopan. Nona Lizzie menoleh sebentar sembari menggerakkan kerongkongannya yang indah. Setelah itu dia pergi berlari menuju rumahnya. Aku tersenyum dan senang sekali bertemu dengannya. Nona Lizzie yang cantik dan baik hati. Dalam hatiku aku berkata, "Ah, seandainya aku seorang Angling Darma pasti si Nona itu mengerti pembicaraanku."

The True Thing of You

The true thing about true love is when you have no fear of losing the one whom your love give to. It is crystal different from the love you bring with passion of possession. True love will not leave you even when your existence meets the worst history. It becomes an inner power, which lies within your heart everafter.

The one who asks you for a true love asks no more than your attention, care, and nick of time to think about. Sharing each other with no prejudice and hidden desire. Only sacrifice of minutes of hours of your years of life in this world.

It is very difficult to show how true our love is when the relationship is between a boy and a girl. Things get complicated once our possessiveness plays role, no matter inferior it does.

Can we be through our story, sweetheart? When I feel very sure that I can do that, you must also be able to say so. Can we break the myth that thinks that there cannever be a true love in the relationship between boys and girls? Will we give up on such shallow thinking?

Up to the present, actually I am still scared that you someday will judge me as being possessive. However, please believe me from and to the heart, I am not kind of that guy. You are to good to be possessed, you are to perfect to be hurt. I need you to be with me as long as possible as my best friend, to be the queen of my hart, as my sister, my advisor, and my guardian angel.

Honey, you are so beautiful, both your heart and your look. If I only I could, I am ready to sacrifice my all to you. But, I think it is inhumane and overacting. I prefer being normal who lives in ordinary world.

I am lucky to have you. In fact, there is still someone who walks, acts, talks, and does naturally in the world of so called modernization (huh! dunia makin kacau ya?). You have brought back the blue mountain, the singing birds, the sunrise, the droplets on green leaves.

You have lighted up my life with your shine....then live forever, everlasting like the sun.